Saturday, February 26, 2011


So tonight i was planning on just staying at home.. and do nothing but watch a movie..

my brother.. soon walks in with four of his friends.. telling me to get dressed that we were going out..
and so i did what he asked.

we drive out to ontario pick up two more friends.. and start our journey out to LA ..

tonight for those of you that dont know.. it is pouring outside..
we hidro plane about twice. and finally make to LA ..
and to TOMMYS mmm
if you know my brother an I you know there are two things we go to LA for..

after eating ...
the guys then realize there is a group of girls there..
so since they are all vags.. they send me to do all the talking..

so being the friendly fag that i am .. i walk over and say hello.
they were actaully really pretty and really nice..
but they all thought i was straight.. wich was weird cuz i didnt put on my straight voice or act..
but oh well

we end up talking and all go to abiba..
one of the largest record stores..
so after some further flirting with the girls..
and walking around talking smack about things in the store

the girls invite us to a kick back in hollywood. that they are all going too .

by this point all my bros friends are excited..
thinkn they are all ganna get some.
we pass by a seven 11
and get some beers and head. out.

we get to the kikback
and it was wack .
so all these girls, since at this point they knew i was gay called an army of fags
sopposibly cause they all think that they need to hook me up since they
just meet me .

we end up being there for about 5 minutes and bounce..
the whole way home..
all te guys are happy cuz they got one of the girls numbers.

we are all talking about growing up
our old toys
ex. yoyos with brains. scooters. pogs and light up shoes.
and we trade funny stores.
not to mention the baby sitter from hell

all in all it was a great night..
and something else.. to add to

jenni for MANOLO 



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