Friday, April 29, 2011


this is a question that we have all asked ourselves
more then once..

something that we all have in common..
no matter the looks or age or body type..
or how much confidence you can have..
naturally as humans, we seek validation from others
from people outside of ourselves.
to know that we are good..
and that we are there..

and tonight. that is what i ask myself..
am I good enough?

am i good enough son?

am i good enough friend ?

am i good enough boyfriend ?

am i good enough human being?

in my head i have all the answers and all the speeches that i would tell my friends, ex boyfriends.. brother.. if they came to me with these questions..
i already know what i would point out as their strong points.. and why they are crazy for even asking the question..

but why is it that when i ask myself the same question..
i can not come out.. with an answer..

so to a son..
i think i am a good son.. i stand by my mom.. and i listen to her.. help her with her problems.
do things that i think will make her happy..
but then why is it that she is never happy with me..
why is it that she always sees the things that i could be doing...
or what i didnt do right..

to being a good friend..
i mean ilove all my freinds to death i really do
and i think of them as an extended family
as i have stated before..
but am i truly a great friend..
or just somone that is fun to have around?

idk this question is always one that sticks out in my mind..
something that puzzles me greatly..
i can honestly say that with the exception of 2 of my exs...
all the other ones.. want me back..
they all see what good of a guy i am..
and how well it is that. i treated them..
they see it now.. and they want that back..
they know that not just anyone.. would treat them that way..
but the question is.. why do they see it now..
why not when i was there.. when we were in it..
what did they need to see that everyone else is an ass
that everyone else. just wanted sex..
or a fling.. nothing seriouse.
and then they though oh well jon is there.. he wanted something real.
now im ready..
like why?
and thats why i ask myself am i truly a good boyfriend..
or just a good guy ??

and human being?
i always feel as if there is so much that i can be doing to better.. people..
the world..
but why dont i do it..
am i that self centered ?
or selfish that i cant do it ??

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